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1. Fu Y, Zhu Z, Chang H, Liu Z, Liu J, Chen H*. Comparative transcriptome analyses indicate enhanced cellular protection against FMDV in PK15 cells pretreated with IFN-γ. Gene. 2016 Jul 25; 586(2):206-15.

2. Chen H, Choesang T, Li H, Sun S, Pham P, Bao W, Feola M, Westerman M, Li G, Follenzi A, Blanc L, Rivella S, Fleming RE, Ginzburg YZ*. Increased hepcidin in transferrin-treated thalassemic mice correlates with increased liver BMP2 expression and decreased hepatocyte ERK activation. Haematologica. 2016 Mar;101(3):297-308.

3. Han X, Zhang J, Peng Y, Peng M, Chen X, Chen H, Song J, Hu X, Ye M, Li J, Sankaran VG, Hillyer CD, Mohandas N, An X, Liu J. Unexpected role for p19INK4d in post-transcriptional regulation of GATA1 and modulation of human terminal erythropoiesis. Blood. 2016 Nov 22. pii: blood-2016-09-739268. [Epub ahead of print]

4. Casu C, Oikonomidou PR, Chen H, Nandi V, Ginzburg Y, Prasad P, Fleming RE, Shah YM, Valore EV, Nemeth E, Ganz T, MacDonald B, Rivella S*. Minihepcidin peptides as disease modifiers in mice affected by β-thalassemia and polycythemia vera. Blood. 2016 May 6. pii: blood-2015-10-676742.

5. Sun Z, Wang Y, Han X, Zhao X, Peng Y, Li Y, Peng M, Song J, Wu K, Sun S, Zhou W, Qi B, Zhou C, Chen H*, An X*, Liu J*. miR-150 inhibits terminal erythroid proliferation and differentiation. Oncotarget. 2015 December 15; 6(40): 4303343047.

6. Chen HY, Zhang Q*, Yin CC, Wang CK, Gong WJ, Mei G. Detection of quantitative trait loci affecting milk production traits on bovine chromosome 6 in a Chinese Holstein population by the daughter design. J Dairy Sci. 2006 Feb; 89(2):782-90.

7. Chen H, Zhang Q *, Wang C, Shu J, Mei G, Yin C, Hu F, Xu J, Gong W, Li H, Qiu X. Mapping QTLs on BTA6 affecting milk production traits in a Chinese Holstein population. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2005 August,  50 (16):1737–1742

8. Yin CC, Chen HY, Zhang Q*. Identification of two bovine microsatellite markers in a defined region of BTA6.Anim Genet. 2005 Dec; 36(6):527-9.